Quest for arugula

By Liam: Sunday, June 12, 2011

While living in Australia Alexandra and I enjoyed arugula (which the Aussies call "rocket" for some goddamn reason) on an almost daily basis. Back in Canada the peppery leaf was harder to come by, so we decided to grow our own. Calgary's climate is famous for wild variation, and it is not uncommon to get snow in the middle of June, making it about the worst place to garden. But arugula, according to Australian food author Stephen Downes "runs rampant, self sowing everywhere". A hardy plant to pit against a cruel Calgary summer. To begin we painstakingly crafted three elegant planters. So skilled was our handiwork that only the most clever observer would deduce these masterful creations started life as old drawers. Alexandra labelled the planters in each of Canada's official languages: English, French and Swedish. We filled them with compost earth harvested from my parent's composter, and combined this with some top soil before planting the arugula seeds as well as some basil.

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