Arugula -1 week: we have something

By Liam: Sunday, June 12, 2011

After a week of generous sun and rain, all three of our planters are showing signs of life.
We celebrated the new arrivals by dumping hot water on them. At this point it would be a stretch to say the sprouts look like arugula. They kind of look more like clover. Maybe we're growing weeds. All three planters have them, but so far the Legumes has the lead. No sign of basil yet.
Watering the precious arugula.
We also have some ready-grown basil and other herbs which didn't start as seeds and which we will surely kill.

1 comment:

Smack said...

I am not sure that is Arugula, I think it might just be clover lookin weeds. Having said that Arugula grows like a weed in my garden early in the season. I am overdue for pics of it.

Is that Thyme in the foreground of the Basil? I gotta get me some of that. Our lemon thyme did not survive winter. Has the basil picked up? It likes heat and direct sun. Otherwise it is a pain in the ass as bugs like the eat it and is tempermental to low temperatures and over watering.

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