
By Prumps: Monday, May 16, 2011

It's spring in Vancouver, and you know what that means:

Slightly less rain!

Wohoo! It's a cause for celebration.

And what better way to celebrate than to harvest worm poo. Ok there may be better ways to celebrate, but it is still time to finally harvest some dirt out of the old worm compost.

In case you are wondering what a year and a half of decomposing, worm eaten (and digested) food looks like, you've come to the right place.

It turns out egg shells don't break down as well as I'd hoped. And the concave shattered pieces of them turn out to be a favourite hang-out for our red worms.

After an hour of picking through the mess, not a whole lot of dirt was gathered, but it sure was disgusting.

This is all going to be mixed into the soil for this years crop of balcony vegetables.

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