my first entry....

By Hawk: Tuesday, June 21, 2011

After a solid night at the park enjoying the first proper evening of summer what better way to close the day than with my first entry on the famed garden blog..............
My first attempt with the dreaded tomato plant began weeks ago but our bleak climate prevented any noticeable growth and she had to be sheltered from the elements by the insulating concrete walls of my condo. Only time, the long days of summer & bi-weekly doses of fertilizer can influence her fate from here on in.
I enjoy a good cooking session as much as the next person so i added rosemary to the patio with future dreams of basil, chives, oregano and any other manageable herbs out there that i can make use of in the kitchen.
The last couple pictures represent species from my "Green Collection" (GC). No, it has nothing to do with environmental responsibility but more to due with my belief that plants which only produce various shades of green require less maintenance. Included in the GC is the classic monkey plant and a propagated English ivy that one summer dropped roots in a jump pot.


The Craft Room said...

Looks good Hawk! Please feel free to send over a bunch of potted herbs for my garden. Booya!

Daniella Valentina said...

Love your urban garden!!! Post more pics! xx

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