Lettuce Migration

By Smack: Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lettuce Macro
There is simply no room for all the lettuce I dug out so I took some with me last weekend to my parent's garden. Despite being stowed away in my backpack they survived the trip on the bus/ferry and found a home on the back side of the garage.

New home for the lettuce Here's lookin at you...

The garden in Victoria is doing well with the exception of any cucumber we have tired to plant.  Some bugs just love to eat any leaves that they produce and have killed about 4 plants already this year.  The peas are doing very well though and our potato patch is going gangbusters.  Hidden inside all of the potato leaves are some lettuce and cilantro which are enjoying the free shade.

Peas, Beans, Cucumbers and Chard Potatoes
check out the before pic


Prumps said...

Holy gangbuster potatos! I didn't know they had leaves. So this is what 80's office looked like?

Smack said...

Wow we're terrible at responding to each other's comments, but yeah potatoes grow crazy huge foliage and rather quickly for the small piece you put in the ground. They start to flower which some of ours are doing now. Shortly there after they are ready for harvest.

Shouldn't be long and I will get the obligatory shot of a dirty hand unearthing some fresh spuds. 80 has potatoes in his office? What kinda cracker factory are they runnin over there :p

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