Free Lettuce

By Smack: Friday, May 7, 2010

Our garden has become overrun with rogue arugula and butter lettuce seedlings.  The arugula is growing like a weed all over the property and the butter lettuce has been popping up throughout the garden for a while now.  I decided to salvage some of the lettuce, especially those growing in the garden paths.  In short time I pulled 30 seedlings out and replanted them but there are still tons more in the garden.  I don't know what I am going to do with all of these as we can't possibly keep them all.

The potatoes we planted a month ago have been sprouting and a left over from last year popped up in one of the middle garden beds.  Many of the herbs are in flower/seed right now and you can see a few of them in the picture below.  My camera sucks but on the front-left of the herb garden is Chives (w/ purple flowers on the tips), behind that is some Sage and behind that is the Rosemary.  As for the other side I am not 100% but there is a Curry plant, more Sage, Thyme, Oregano and some other stuff.  I will have to get a better picture and also figure out what is in my own garden.  Also do some weeding, it is starting to look like a jungle again.
    30 Butter Lettuce Seedlings Potatoes (foreground),
    Herb Garden (background)

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