Prumps' Garden Grows

By Prumps: Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello List! Prumps' garden is flourishing in the daily 5 foot triangle of sun that I receive on my West End apartment patio. So far the crops are coming out nicely despite months of what seems like solid Vancouver rain. If I can make one salad or spice up one meal by the end of the summer out of the overpriced dirt, seeds and precipitation that are out there I will consider this a success. So far the cast consists of: A few sunflowers, grown from seed.
Two tomato plants: one yellow cherry tomato (grown from little guy). He's pretty spindly and just starting to show signs of flowering. This is not the bushy, healthy looking tomato plant that i'm looking for to yield a batch of butter chicken sauce. Maybe one tomato for a sandwich one day?
... and one normal tomato plant bought at a big size, so it arrived healthy and full. This guy is going to be the good one.
A few Yellow Hot Peppers from seed.(I don't expect these to do so well in this climate)
One Strawberry plant
Some trees... can't remember what kind. Grown from seed. These should be ready to chop down and build a house with for my great grandchildren. No photos so those will have to wait their turn for an appearance here. Stay tuned for non-stop action updates on how this garden blossoms. The good news is, these photos were taken a couple weeks ago, so there's already progress in the life of these plants. Which will thrive? Which will fall victim to neglect and early death?

1 comment:

Smack said...

Prumps droppin a lengthy post. Nice pics! Your patio looks comfy.

Is that Lemon Thyme? I think that is what we have and it looks almost identical to what you have goin there. Hopefully you get some strawberries soon, ours are producing fruit right now but they have been in the ground all year.

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