A new season!

By Liam: Monday, May 6, 2013

Having purchased the "Slanty Shanty" in November 2011, we spent most of last summer removing a back deck that was built entirely out of garbage and excavating the rear of the building to put another hundred years of life into the foundation. We capped off the season by putting in a new stone patio on the now dirt lot which was completed right when the snow came.
So this summer we can finally pay attention to the garden, which previously held an impressive collection of native Alberta weeds. Some prep work was done last winter: Kowski provided some horseradish and garlic which was tenderly placed in the ground and then forgotten about, and we planted tulip bulbs.

This years collection includes:
Peas, Romaine lettuce and dill(planted as seeds this weekend)
2 blueberry bushes, rhubarb, and chives (purchased pre-sprouted and planted yesterday)
Green onions and shallots (planted yesterday)

The rhubard basks in his new home, while the blueberry bushes look slightly confused. A mighty steel tower marks the promise of horseradish.

We heard rabbits don't like yellow flowers, so we bought some to guard the peas and lettuce. Under the shadow of the lilac tree, the mighty pansies keep a watchful eye.
We also transplanted shitty basil from the kitchen window to a new outdoor home (bottom center). Will he survive the harsh Alberta summer? Who cares.. He's shitty.

The tulip bulbs planted last year are about to bloom. We added some lavender to really "gay it up"

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