Zucs and Cucs!

By Smack: Monday, July 18, 2011

Splendid weather this past weekend and by that I mean it was terrible.  In between the rain I took a few pictures of the Zucchini and Cucumbers which are showing some life.  The flowers on the Zucchini are gorgeous when fully opened but I didn't manage to take this picture early enough in the morning to catch it.

Furry little ZucOnly sign of life on the Cucumbers
Shortly after taking these shots I was joined by Mr. Kitty who spent the remainder of Sunday afternoon in this position.  Rough life, I just saw him basking in the final sun of the day in his other usual spot on the bedrock while I got a little bit of weeding done.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Who is 'Brent' anyways?

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