Mystery Plants!

By Prumps: Monday, July 11, 2011

One of the best parts of growing with compost in the soil is that your plants will get new friends that pop up from time to time. This sunflower has got a bunch of new mystery neighbors - little green sprouts that could really be from anything that ended up in the compost bin.
We pulled out one of the uninvited visitors and put her in her own pot. I think it's going to grow up into a cucumber.
This pot is a mini-ecosystem of mystery plants. Looks like a few tomatos and cucumbers.
Here's the full spread as of about June 14. The little pots in the bottom right are a mix of mystery plants and some poppies.
There has been one jalapeno plant that quickly met an early demise. The other three in the pot with him aren't looking so hot either.
The sunflower leaves have been hosting some sort of insect eggs. Here's an extreme close-up from just before they were washed off.

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