By Prumps: Monday, June 14, 2010

The garden is under attack. I've noticed the two star performing sunflowers were looking a little worse for wear. They are getting purple patches and holes on the leaves. Upon closer inspection, I saw a swarm of green critters going to town on the defenseless sunflower. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to track down all of them and squish them with Q-tips. Update: Torill saw the critters and told me they were aphids. Thinking back I remember Alex acting one out, and I knew for sure she was right. Now how to get rid of them for good... a swarm of ladybugs perhaps?

1 comment:

Smack said...

Wow, that macro is cool yet really gross. Little bastards.

I wish I knew more about bugs to help ya out. you can probably get some kinda of light pesticide to take care of them. It is a never ending battle if you are just gonna try to squish em.

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