Bring on the rain

By Horbzzz: Wednesday, June 1, 2016

So after 6 hours of weeding and turning soil I finally have a garden to call my own. Two actually. My lonely rhubarb now has a friend and two more on the way. I planted some yellow and green zucchini on the left and some donated mint on the right with room for a few peppery plants.

The side garden is where I'm housing my herbs and tomatoes. Gold heirloom (left) and cherry tomatoes to go along with blue spice and cinnamon basils (from seed) and cilantro (seed), some donated oregano and lemon thyme from the neighbor, and what I expect will either be garlic or spring onion. The tenant planted what she said was chives but it is clearly not.

Also the baby maple has sprouted it's first leaves of the year and I found a pine cone that sprouted in the back so I planted that too.

More work than I've ever done. It's nice not having a job sometimes.

24C in Ottawa today. 

Update: chicken wire added to thwart the digging squirrels! 


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