Autumn Blooms

By Prumps: Thursday, September 23, 2010

The zucchini is in full bloom but still not a single actual vegetable on the vines.

The beans aren't as bright and pretty to look at, but they have at least delivered something edible.

In general, the whole garden is deteriorating along with the weather.

This eight legged garden dweller was hanging out looking for some food of his own.

Jalapeno Harvest

By Prumps: Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Over the last 10 days of being away, the garden has been exploding. One last burst before the real fall weather hits...

A record haul of jalapenos! The first one made it into a delicious tuna melt.
The yellow pepper has grown two monster peppers despite being leafless and bug ridden only a month ago.

The basil is flowering, but has already delivered several terrific salads.

And the late planted zucchini is getting too big for its tiny pot. Flowers are blooming but no baby zuch`s are yet to be seen.


By Prumps: Saturday, August 21, 2010

Here is one of the regular visitors to the garden. Apparently they haven't all disappeared.

Nature's Bounty

By Prumps: Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Tomato Plant is full of fresh plump juicy fruit!

The garden delivers a delicious





A New Hope....

By Prumps: Monday, August 2, 2010

I've just put up a late season batch of green beans, and some zucchini. The little guys are loving the sunny weather and have sprung up really quickly. So far I found one set of wiggly worms on one of the zucchini plants, but other than that they are doing well. Here's a pic of the first sprouter of the green beans.

More Nasty Critters

I am not the only one who wants to eat the food in my garden.
It seems every plant gets some sort of different infestation. The latest one is some weird black dots and tiny caterpillar looking things on the yellow pepper plant.
They have decimated 90% of the leaves and the poor plant is looking pretty pathetic right now. Luckily they haven't gotten to the jalapeno plant yet!

Glacial Progress

By Brydone: Thursday, July 22, 2010

Almost three months later now and only in the past 2-3 weeks have we witnessed big changes to the plants.  A very cold and wet May and June did nothing for our friends; the lettuce had an especially hard time of things and leaves a bit to be desired taste wise.  One recently planted nasturtium is showing good signs of life although its friend is really struggling.  Our basil plants suffered a severe aphid infestation and were thrown to the wind.  Although we have good southern exposure from the rear balcony we receive little direct sun in the middle of the day because of the coverage from the balcony above.

New bird feeder; for our friendly finches. 

The tomatoes are finally coming along now but with many nights below 10 degrees earlier on our crop my be greatly diminished.

Tomato flower in full bloom - rather late

Come on Tomato! 

Recently planted are a couple of pole bean plants.  They are looking great and in a few days have soared toward the balcony ceiling. 

Gardening at The Court

At the beginning of May, Torill and I moved down the hall to apartment 306. A larger apartment featuring two beadrooms, two baths, and most importantly for the purposes of this blog, two balconies. On the south facing balcony we harbour grand plans of growing our own produce (in minuscule quantities) as well as some ornamental plants. The seeds were sown, water was offered, and we turned to the skies, awaiting warmer temperatures and some sunlight...


By Prumps: Sunday, July 18, 2010

The sunflowers are coming out in full force.

After an early season squirrel attack, the future looked rocky for these potent little plants, but the last few weeks of bright sunlight have brought out a new champion for the title of the alpha-sunflower.

His 8 smaller cousins are just starting to bloom and hoping to follow suit.

Things are heating up.

By Prumps: Friday, July 16, 2010

Yup, things are really heating up. Not only has the heat finally shown up in Vancouver, but the hot peppers are coming out too!

We've got a yellow pepper plant and a couple jalapeno plants. Both are doing well basking in the sun and producing what I hope will be delicious spicy treats. Well, right now they only have a single pepper each, but i never had high expectations for these guys in the first place.

I always thought the little ones were the spiciest...

R.I.P. Strawberry Plant

By Prumps: Saturday, July 10, 2010

She showed so much promise...
A young strawberry plant just trying to make it in the big bad world of a West End Vancouver balcony. Unfortunately a wily squirrel decided to stomp the crap out her before she could even bear a single berry. At least we got to enjoy two white flowers before her time was through.
And here is all that is left of her now...

Sunset and Smack Garden Update

By Smack: Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have been lagging in the photo department so I just ran outside at what turned out to be a great time for an extreme closeup of our first nasturtium flower.  The sun was setting right behind it as I took this shot.

In garden news I put 2 afternoons of weeding this past weekend on the middle plots which have largely gone unplanted until now, ie: it was densely populated with weeds.  Throughout I found a ton of cilantro which is our latest rogue plant in the garden and I also found 2 parsley plants and marigolds along the border that had seeded themselves.  I couldn't just extract from the garden so when I was done I planted the beets that I had started from seed along with 4 tomato plants.  Throughout the 2 day process I polished off a case of Cariboos so I guess I planted a tree in a round about way too.  I try.

There are still a lot more tomatoes to plant and some Chocolate Mint that is still sitting in a small container.  That stuff smells like it literally sounds it should.  Reminds me of chocolate chip mint ice cream...  Other than that the peas and the strawberries are coming in, any lettuce we moved is growing strong, and our kale is lookin pretty good too.  I will have to post some more photos soon.


Nasturtium up close More of the same


By Prumps: Monday, June 14, 2010

The garden is under attack. I've noticed the two star performing sunflowers were looking a little worse for wear. They are getting purple patches and holes on the leaves. Upon closer inspection, I saw a swarm of green critters going to town on the defenseless sunflower. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to track down all of them and squish them with Q-tips. Update: Torill saw the critters and told me they were aphids. Thinking back I remember Alex acting one out, and I knew for sure she was right. Now how to get rid of them for good... a swarm of ladybugs perhaps?

Prumps' Garden Grows

By Prumps: Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello List! Prumps' garden is flourishing in the daily 5 foot triangle of sun that I receive on my West End apartment patio. So far the crops are coming out nicely despite months of what seems like solid Vancouver rain. If I can make one salad or spice up one meal by the end of the summer out of the overpriced dirt, seeds and precipitation that are out there I will consider this a success. So far the cast consists of: A few sunflowers, grown from seed.
Two tomato plants: one yellow cherry tomato (grown from little guy). He's pretty spindly and just starting to show signs of flowering. This is not the bushy, healthy looking tomato plant that i'm looking for to yield a batch of butter chicken sauce. Maybe one tomato for a sandwich one day?
... and one normal tomato plant bought at a big size, so it arrived healthy and full. This guy is going to be the good one.
A few Yellow Hot Peppers from seed.(I don't expect these to do so well in this climate)
One Strawberry plant
Some trees... can't remember what kind. Grown from seed. These should be ready to chop down and build a house with for my great grandchildren. No photos so those will have to wait their turn for an appearance here. Stay tuned for non-stop action updates on how this garden blossoms. The good news is, these photos were taken a couple weeks ago, so there's already progress in the life of these plants. Which will thrive? Which will fall victim to neglect and early death?