Autumn Blooms

By Prumps: Thursday, September 23, 2010

The zucchini is in full bloom but still not a single actual vegetable on the vines.

The beans aren't as bright and pretty to look at, but they have at least delivered something edible.

In general, the whole garden is deteriorating along with the weather.

This eight legged garden dweller was hanging out looking for some food of his own.

Jalapeno Harvest

By Prumps: Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Over the last 10 days of being away, the garden has been exploding. One last burst before the real fall weather hits...

A record haul of jalapenos! The first one made it into a delicious tuna melt.
The yellow pepper has grown two monster peppers despite being leafless and bug ridden only a month ago.

The basil is flowering, but has already delivered several terrific salads.

And the late planted zucchini is getting too big for its tiny pot. Flowers are blooming but no baby zuch`s are yet to be seen.