
By Prumps: Saturday, August 21, 2010

Here is one of the regular visitors to the garden. Apparently they haven't all disappeared.

Nature's Bounty

By Prumps: Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr. Tomato Plant is full of fresh plump juicy fruit!

The garden delivers a delicious





A New Hope....

By Prumps: Monday, August 2, 2010

I've just put up a late season batch of green beans, and some zucchini. The little guys are loving the sunny weather and have sprung up really quickly. So far I found one set of wiggly worms on one of the zucchini plants, but other than that they are doing well. Here's a pic of the first sprouter of the green beans.

More Nasty Critters

I am not the only one who wants to eat the food in my garden.
It seems every plant gets some sort of different infestation. The latest one is some weird black dots and tiny caterpillar looking things on the yellow pepper plant.
They have decimated 90% of the leaves and the poor plant is looking pretty pathetic right now. Luckily they haven't gotten to the jalapeno plant yet!